Monday, January 26, 2009

God Is Not Color Blind

Political views aside who can argue that Tuesday was not a beautiful sight to behold seeing an African American take America’s highest office? It amazes me to think that we are only a short history away from a time when blacks and whites rode on separate buses, drank from different water fountains and used different restrooms. My heart breaks when I think of a day and age such as those just expressed that now mark the pages of American history. This isn’t a political views message, but a few words coming from a pastor who is rejoicing to see blacks and whites taking one step closer towards racial reconciliation. Yes, we still have a long ways to go, but Tuesday was a huge leap forward.

As Christians may it always be our vision to raise the banner of racial unity. There are just some things worth fighting for and racial reconciliation is one of those ideals. John Piper asks a large question, “Are our churches thermometers registering the racial attitudes and actions of the world; or are they thermostats raising the warmth of commitment to racial understanding and love and demonstrable harmony?” May it never be said of us that we have a spirit of indifference towards the heart breaking sin of racism. We need more voices in our culture today that champion unity.

On the cross Jesus shed His blood to put an end to racism. As John Piper further said, “The issue of racial prejudice and snubbing and suspicion and mistreatment is not a social issue; it is a blood-of-Jesus issue.” Jesus died for the sake of unity. Unity towards God and man. His messy blood spattered death on the cross was done in the name of reconciliation. He died for the glory of the Father so that we might be one with God and one with each other through the birth of His church. Racism dies a thousand deaths at the cross. The Bible says, “For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:28). The ground is level at the cross so we must keep it level in our churches and communities. With passion Martin Luther King gave his “I have a dream speech” and with even more passion Jesus gave his life so that dream could be realized. Let me say it like this: Kings dream was the KINGS dream. Christ’s shockingly blood spilt death on the cross-nailed the sins of division and racism forever through His hands and feet so that we may all see that we are one in Christ.

As the song, Jesus Loves The Little Children reminds us: “Red and yellow, black and white they are all precious in His sight. May this truth right here run deep in our souls: God is not color blind—no as I once heard said, God loves colors! May our new Presidents legacy be one that history reflects back on and says, “It was on January 20, 2009 when America finally became the UNITED STATES.”

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