Thursday, December 11, 2008

One Short Phrase That Can Change Your Life

Thank God it doesn’t take a dissertation for something to have a life changing impact us. Sometimes less is more. It’s true. I know in my own life I have been changed by certain short phrases. Phrases like:

“Lord Jesus save me.”
“I now pronounce you husband and wife”
“It’s a girl”
“It’s a boy”

Each of those short phrases meant incredible life change for me. Did you know there is a short little phrase nestled away in Scripture that can change your life forever? In fact, it’s one of the shortest verses in Scripture. Curious? The verse is 1 Thessalonians 5:17 which says,“Pray without ceasing.” Now don’t just skip over that phrase. Look at again. Let it soak into your heart as you ponder the meaning. Turn it in all directions. Let it invade your heart. It’s a petite little phrase, but don’t underestimate it. It’s pregnant with meaning. Let me go even one step further, this phrase can change your life today! If we read our Bible literally this means that we are to NEVER STOP PRAYING. So what are the ramifications of this brief verse?

• Do we quit our jobs in order to pray more?
• Do we forsake sleep to fulfill this verse?
• Do we break off all meaningful relationships so we don’t neglect our time with God?

Absolutely. Just kidding. No, no, no! I’ll slow down a bit for you so you can swallow this verse with one sweet bite. What Paul was teaching the Thessalonians in this simple little verse was a very loaded concept. He wanted them to live every waking moment of their life in an attitude of prayer! He knew that no single person can just pray at all times. In fact, even Paul did other things besides pray. He wrote letters, he ate food, he preached the gospel, he slept, and he constructed tents and much more. However, in everything he did he was God centered.

So the question is, “how can this one little verse change your life?” Paul invites us through these three simple words to cultivate a lifestyle of prayer. It’s his desire for us to live with a sense of God-consciousness. To be stuffed with a sense of God. This verse exhorts us to pray about our job decisions, to pray over our marriage struggles, to pray about which school our children should attend, to pray about how we should spend our money. This verse invites us to bath every area of our life in God soaked prayer. In summary, this verse invites you and me to be changed forever by one short phrase. So go ahead and give it a shot, “Pray without ceasing.” Here come the prayers Lord!

1 comment:

the best couple in the world said...

it's good that there still are good people on earth so i believe everything that is being said about 2012 is not true......but i tell you 1 thing that can make your life even better..."do your deeds without thinking of success and believe in that power that defines you". this is that 1 liner that can take you to success with a gurantee and with a white rose as a momento..

all it means is simply that do the hard work from your side and leave the rest in god's hands...he'll never dissapoint you!

i am an indian who follows hinduism & the one to whom this blog belongs might be anyone! This is where i believe different thoughts and ideals meet and we move towards peace by giving a helping hand not to a british,an american,a jew or an indian but to another god's son...

do visit my blog "" help us make it better...