Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Unlocking The Crazy Cycle

Important Tips for Interpreting The Old Testament Prophets...

Have you ever started off the New Year with a vision to read through the entire Bible in a year and then watched your goal quickly dissolve as you became vexed by the tedious repetition of the Old Testament Prophet books? If so, I guarantee you’re not alone. Reading the Old Testament major and minor prophet books (note: major and minor due to the size of the book not the size of the prophet) demands patience to say the least, but it must be stressed these books are loaded with life changing truths even for today.

I assure you, the prophets are not the problem—the problem is we need a tool to help us unlock the crazy cycle that is found in the prophets. What is the crazy cycle? As I was having my quiet time yesterday in the book of Hosea I began to see a similar pattern emerging that I have seen in other prophet books as well. What I noticed was a similar repetitive theme that I have witnessed throughout the Old Testament prophets. By recognizing the pattern that I call “The Crazy Cycle” you can begin to appreciate what God is doing instead of skipping forward to the New Testament. I know it’s tempting, but you can do it—hang in there! The next time you approach the Old Testament prophets be on the look out for the crazy cycle. It goes something like this…

1. SIN—God’s people reject God’s ways and plunge themselves into deep sin.

2. WARNING—God mercifully raises a prophet up to confront their sin and warn them of coming judgment if they fail to repent.

3. REJECTION—God’s people reject the prophet’s message due to their own sin and deception.

4. RETRIBUTION—God brings forth judgment as He forewarned.

5. REPENTANCE—God’s people repent of their sin.

6. RESTORATION—God graciously spares a remnant and their hope is restored in God once again.

7. REPETITION—The crazy cycle repeats itself all over again!

Look familiar? It’s there! After reading through about four or five of these cycles you can find yourself going a bit—well—“crazy.” More often than not you will find this cycle. Sure there are exceptions. Jonah went to Nineveh and preached repentance and they heard the warning and repented immediately (see Jonah 3:6-10). Thankfully, they were spared from judgment. However, it would only take another century before Nineveh soon got back on the crazy cycle and this time they would be judged for their idolatry, violence and arrogance (see Nahum 3:1-4). It is painstakingly true that more often than not God’s people are stiff necked and stubborn and usually have to experience retribution before repentance and restoration.

When it comes to the crazy cycle in the prophets God was very intentional in keeping these books in the Bible so the question is: what can we learn in today’s world from the crazy cycle? Two primary truths come bursting forth from this tough Scriptural terrain and it’s this—God is faithful and often we are not! Thankfully, God continues to pursue us even when we fail to pursue Him. God chases our heart even when we ditch His. So the next time you are reading through the Old Testament prophets and find yourself going crazy don’t miss this poignant point. Rather, be humbled. Be shocked. Be amazed. Yes, even be transformed.

God wants us to see that He is the ultimate heart-hunter. In spite of our sin He chases us and returns our hearts to His. The Old Testament prophets show us that God’s heart bleeds with grace and He will do whatever it takes to get our attention back where it belongs—on Him. So let me conclude with one final question? Where are you on the crazy cycle? If your heart is wandering skip on down to step five and take a spiritual bath and then watch God return your joy through His amazing gift called, “Restoration.”

Till next time, Bobby

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